Our mission
Inform policymakers and civil society with information and research outcomes by analyzing Mongolia’s current economic and social issues, future trends and providing policy recommendations.
Macroeconomics and Health (MEH) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, established on 12th of December 2003.
MEH aims to counsel decision makers and civil society by conducting a socio, economic analysis on emerging challenges and provide policy recommendations to high level stakeholders.
Our organization has been actively engaged in various activities in addition to its core operational aspects in developing economic forecasting models and undertaking applied research in health economics and finance. Our research and consulting practices are compatible with the international good practices.
In recent years, our organization has completed research and consultancy in the area SME development and development policy planning, monitoring and evaluation.
Organizational Structure
We have nine board members and over 20 researchers and consultants. 36 percent of members hold Ph.D degree, 46 percent holds masters and the rest holds bachelors degree.

Our members have background in economics and finance, statistics, public health, health economics and finance, public administration and policy, law, mathematics and business administration. In addition, over half of the members have more than 20 years of work experience in government organizations, international organizations, academic and research institutions.
Our members worked as national consultants for formulating Mongolia Sustainable Development Vision 2030, the Law on Development Policy Planning, and as capacity building experts in the areas of policy planning, monitoring and evaluation, SME finance and development and macro modeling.
History of our work
- An institutional, organizational and technical analysis to establish “Policy research institute for the government of Mongolia, MOF, 2018
- Assessment of bank lending to SME, REACH project,2017
- “Mongolian sustainable development model”, International Mongolian studies, 2017
- “Analysis of supply use table, input output table”, NSO, 2016.
- “Handbook on National Development Policy and Planning”, MOF, 2015
- “Policy paper on internal and external economic situation of Mongolia and analysis on economic development”, Parliament of Mongolia, 2013.
- “Mongolian economic and financial situation”, Russian Eurasian economy and society, 2014/05 No.981.
- “Necessity of long term financing in Mongolia”, 2013.
- Structural Challenges in Infrastructure, Industry and Finance in Mongolia, 2010, Hitotsubashi University, Japan.
- Report on Development of DRGs for the State Budget and HIF health service, ADB, 2020
- Costing analyses Hospital-1, 2020
- Analysis on financial risk protection in Mongolia, WHO,2017
- Strategic purchasing for health sector, WHO, 2017
- Analysis on financial risk protection and benefit incidence in Mongolia, WHO, 2015
- Report of the Survey on Health expenses of Disadvantaged Households, ADB, 2012
- Mongolia’s “HIT” (‘Health in Transition’) report. World Health Organization, 2012
- Catastrophic health expenditure analysis by adopting and using the WHO methodology on distribution of health payments and catastrophic health expenditure in Mongolia, World Health Organization, 2011.
- “A health financing review of Mongolia with a focus on social health insurance” base on OASIS method, World Health Organization, 2011.
- Institutionalization of national health accounts (NHA) in Mongolia, World Bank, 2010.
- “Mongolian Health Financing Framework and Resource Allocation”, the Open Society, 2008.
- “Reference manual on Health Insurance”, the WHO and the Ministry of Health, Mongolia, 2007;
- SHA-based Health accounts in Asia/Pacific Region: Mongolia, 2007 он (OECD and RCHSP SHA).
- “Research on Health Technology”, the Ministry of Health, Mongolia, 2007.
- Translation of the book, World Health Organization “Macroeconomics and Health: Investing in Health for Economic Development,” 2005.
- Translation, Financing Strategy for Emergency and Health Services in west coast countries of Asia Pacific and South East Asian countries.”
- Sub-contractor for the KRI Co.,LTD implementing “Two-step loan for Small and Medium Enterprise Development and Environmentral Protection Project” under the agreement between Mongolian Government and JICA since 2011.
- Provided advise and did project appraisals for over 50 small and medium enterprises.
- Our experts were involved in formulating the Mongolia Sustainable Development Vision 2030 and the Law on Development Policy Planning.
- Our experts co-authored the “Handbook for Policy Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation” UNDP and Ministry of Finance, 2015.